Changsha Water Cup Direct Drinking Water Engineering Equipment Co., Ltd. is a professional company specializing in the research and development, design, production, engineering construction and operation of "direct drinking water engineering" equipment under the China Water Affairs Group. After 20 years of practical research, a series of urban high-quality direct drinking water production water supply technologies and products have been innovatively developed, which has opened up a new way to achieve a low-quality, low-use, high-quality and high-use urban water supply, that is, a scientific method of dividing water supply. With a good reputation and popularity in the industry, it has become one of the most influential and innovative enterprises in the industry. The company insists on taking technological development as the leader and absorbing continuous innovation from the market. After continuous improvement, it now has three national invention patents with independent intellectual property rights, five utility model patents and one appearance patent. The company is a high-tech enterprise in Hunan Province; it is also one of the drafting units of the direct drinking water technology industry standard for primary and secondary schools of the Ministry of Education; the company's series of products have been approved for sanitation licenses; and it has passed the national high-level identification: the project technology has reached the domestic leading level; The series of products are listed in the "Government Procurement Catalogue of Two Types of Products" and "Catalog of Independent Innovation, Energy-Saving and Environmental Protection Products of Changsha City" and Hunan Province. The company adopts corporate governance, carries out management activities under the regulations of the "Company Law" and the "Articles of Association", implements a standardized management model, attaches importance to personnel training and introduction, and has now passed ISO9001 quality management system certification, ISO14001 environmental management system certification and OHSAS18001 occupation Health and safety management system certification; is an honest enterprise in Hunan Province; is a contract-abiding and credit-honoring unit in Hunan Province. The company adopts the business model of investment operation and engineering construction for market expansion. At present, it has begun to take shape in the field of investment and operation. The annual water supply service students in the education system have reached nearly 300,000. Among them, Shazitang School, Meixi Lake School, Changsha City in Changsha Nearly 300 schools such as the Municipal Experimental Primary School have achieved stable operation for more than 10 years, becoming the professional force of the education system to escort teachers and students for healthy drinking water; in the area of investment and operation of the community, there are nearly 20,000 water users each year, which has become a healthy drinking water in citizens ’homes. Important Guarantee. In terms of engineering construction, the Changsha West Bus Station Comprehensive Hub Direct Drinking Water Project, Meixi Lake Park Direct Drinking Water Project, Xiangjiang Scenic Belt Direct Drinking Water Project, Bafang Park Direct Drinking Water Project and other projects have been operating well since their completion, and have become a beautiful scenery line in the urban area of Changsha. In 2019, the company and China Water Group realized asset reorganization. After the joint venture, they have integrated brand advantages, technical advantages, product advantages, market advantages, and capital advantages into one. They have become the strongest enterprise in domestic direct drinking water investment and construction. The company is based in China. At the same time as the market, it will enter the international market and contribute to the great development of the city's direct drinking water industry. The company upholds the original intention of benefiting the children and grandchildren, and benefiting from China Huaxia, and continues to strive for it.


Duan Chuanliang, founder of China Water Affairs Group   

Yi Xianzao, founder of Hunan Water Cup Company


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