Warmly welcome the leaders of Dianjiang County government of Chongqing to visit the company
Date: 2020-12-18 17:15:23

On the morning of 17 December, chongqing Dianjiang County People's Congress, CPPCC, Water Conservancy Bureau, Development and Reform Commission, Urban Management Bureau, Health and Education Commission, Health and Construction Commission and other relevant departments led a visit to our company on the urban pipeline direct drinking water development and construction site investigation. Company founder Yi Xianzao, General Manager Yi Zhen, chief engineer Zuo Kaiming and other leaders accompanied the reception.微信圖片_20201217134048.jpgThe delegation visited the Company's Assembly workshop. General Manager Yi introduced the technology of direct drinking water equipment in detail.

微信圖片_20201217134059.jpg微信圖片_20201217134053.jpgDuring the seminar, the delegation watched a promotional video of the company; the founder of the company, Yi Dong, briefed the delegation on the company's Development History, team situation, product technology and business model, it also explained in detail the problems concerning the design, construction, investment, water price, service and drinking water safety of the direct drinking water system concerned by the delegation, and gave a high appraisal to the various products of the direct drinking water system produced by our company, fully recognized my company pipeline direct drinking water project design and construction of the technical level of Chongqing Dianjiang County pipeline direct drinking water system development is full of confidence.


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